Thank you so much for posting these pics - I've fallen in love with the hindu lady! She doesn't fit any of my themes at all.. but... but....I MUST have her! lol
I also quite like the lady in black (and her hair) and can see some possibilities for the statue of Libery figure as an oxidised bronze statue in some scenario

I'm also excited by the flamenco dancer's skirt and shoes - really nicely done. As for the boy's figures..possibly the singer's hair (I don't have any like that yet) and definitely the dwarf. Other than that.. somehow they don't seem to jump out at me in the same way as the girl's figures did, although I'm guessing that some of them will grow on me once I see them in front of me. The pirate's tattoos with the lady in black's body might be interesting

I was in my local Toymaster store today - they still have series 1 (and yes, I got some! lol), so if I was going to buy them out single-handedly like el jefe did with his, I think it may take a while