Unaware of the Dread Baron, the ladies of the court and Pierre where having a light discussion to help brighten the mood.

Queen Dominique:
"I am sorry that your luggage has been misplaced Elena, perhaps Lady Blacktower can lend you a dress if needed?"Lady Blacktower:
"All my dresses are pink though.. and I am not really comfortable with other women around me wearing pink as well, I like to stand out."Pierre:
"Well I think the yellow dress looks fabulous on her, I can't pull off yellow with my blonde curls and its such a lovely color."Lady Blacktower: "
Well it is no pink though, yellow is more a color for commoners.. the same color as the grain that they harvest."Elena sighed wearily and was hoping not all talks with the ladies of the court (and Pierre) would be like this.
Suddenly, the door slammed wide open and the menacing Dread Baron rushed out of the door!

Completely surprised and terrified by this man who let out a boisterous laugh, the ladies squeek with fear, Pierre feints from this sudden terror, and the guard grasps his spear firmly and steps forward, ready to protect the queen and the other ladies.
Seeing the commotion on the balcony, the king yells out:
"Protect the queen!" 
Wasting no time, Roderick, Henry and Frederick quickly draw their swords as they look up at the Dread Knight as he beats down the poor guard with ease.
With all guards on alarm, they quickly abandon their posts and gather to try and stop the Dread Baron. An archer quickly runs down from the tower, but is to late to stop the Dread Baron from capturing the queen.

"Everybody will keep their distance if they want their queen to live."He aimed his sword at Queen Dominique's back, forcing her to move down the stairs.
Everyone couldnt do much else than watch helplessly as the Dread Baron walked down with the Queen. Doing their best to keep the king and the children safe, the three friends moved infront of them with their swords still drawn, waiting for an opportunity.