Author Topic: The Dread Baron.  (Read 10761 times)

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2012, 08:41:11 »
Excellent sir and so nice to see the classic and the very bet by far medieval playmobil in action !!!  :love: :love: :love:
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline Georgeag1972

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2012, 08:43:48 »
One more wonderful story with your knights. :love: Well done. I'm looking forward for the continuing. ;)

Friendly George. :)
  Your passion, is inspiration for us!!!!

Offline Rhalius

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2012, 11:57:55 »
((sorry for the delay, things where a bit busy yesterday. and thanks for the replies, there are plans for many more knight stories.  :) ))
After all formal introductions where concluded, the new arrivals mingled with the people in the courtyard.

King Phillip spoke with Ranulf, curious about what he has been up to in the past years. Sir Jory discussed with Lord Baron Blacktower how he could best serve him, and Roderick introduced Sir Stephen to the soldiers.
And the lady in yellow quickly walked to Henry and Cedric with open arms and a smile on her face. "Brothers!" She said cheerfully. "Elena!" responded Henry and Cedric cheerfully, welcomeing their younger sister with open arms to give her a hug.

Cedric: "Did you grow tired of living with mother?"
Elena: "Well yes.. lately she has been trying to marry me off to all kinds of wealthy men but I don't want to! They are much older than me and treat me like an object. Surely my brothers wouldnt allow that, right?"
Henry: "Of course not! Only the best is good enough for our little sister. We missed you, its great to have you with us again."

Elena: "thanks, you mentioned two friends during your visits over the years.. will I get to meet them this time?"
Henry: "Well sure... just give me a moment to talk with them a moment first.. excuse me."
Cedric: "I will go and make sure there is a room ready for you Elena, I will get back to you in a moment, maybe you can introduce yourself to the other ladies of the court?"

In the meanwhile, two servants where putting their backs to the test as they unloaded Elena's wardrobe from the cart, under the watchfull eye of Sir Ranulf.

Swan squirë: "What's in this chest?"
Tower squire: "Lady Elena's jewelry and dresses. Be glad she left her collection of fossils at home.!"
And so the two squires did their best to drag the heavy chest into the castle.

Henry walked up to Frederick as he was in discussion with sir Jory.

Frederick: ".... So as you can see, I have everything under controll here. The Blacktower soldiers keep the castle perfectly safe under my watchfull guidance."
Sir Jory: "Impressive, just tell me what I can do to help, we can work together to make this job easier."
Frederick: "Oh I see what you are trying to do here! you come marching in here with your feathered helmet and propose to help me, and then you will try to replace me!"
Sir Jory: "Oh not at all, I am quite impressed with how you handled things so far. Do you like my helmet? I can get you one just like it."
Frederick: "No thanks, I am too good looking to hide my face behind a helmet."
Henry: "Ah I see you two are getting along just fine, Frederick, can I speak with you a moment?"
Frederick: "Well sure."

Henry: "You have seen the beautifull young lady who just entered the castle, yes?"
Frederick: "Well yes, she looks quite ni.."
Henry: "YOU CAN"T GO WOO HER WITH YOUR HORRID POETRY! I mean it, she is my sister and with my father gone, it's up to me and Cedric to weed out any undesirables that try to charm her."

Frederick: "Hey now wait a minute! I will let you know that the ladies find me VERY desirable."
Henry: "Not now Frederick, I'll gladly put in a good word for you when it comes to other ladies, but stay away from my sister. That goes for Roderick too, have you seen him?"
Frederick glanced back a moment, going somewhat pale as he sees Roderick reading poetry to Elena. "Er.. I am sure you will see him soon enough."
Henry: "Very well, lets first go see how Charles is doing. I hope he doesnt feel unwelcome now that there are so many knights here."

((The story will continue tomorrow. :) ))
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 12:05:01 by Rhalius »

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2012, 15:15:51 »
Bravo sir !!! Awesome !!! bravo !!!!  :love: :love: :love: :love:
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline Rhalius

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2012, 08:19:29 »
Frederick: "Hey Charles, how are you holding up?"

Charles: "Well I have done some thinking, with the castle so well protected now, I have decided to join the crusades once more."
Henry: "You don't need to leave, you are our friend. "

In the meanwhile, Roderick had finished reading his poem to Elena.

Elena: "That was wonderfull Roderick, and very kind of you to read me a poem to make me feel welcome."
Roderick: "You are very welcome here Elena, you have such a lovely smile."

Frederick and Henry did their best to persuade Charles to stay, but his mind was set on joining the crusades. So they wished him the best and waved him goodbye.

Offline Rhalius

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2012, 08:46:15 »
After saying goodbye to Charles, Henry wanted to introduce Frederick to his sister. Much to his surprise, Roderick was already talking with her.

Elena: "Hello brother, is Roderick one of your friends? he's been very kind to me, he even read a poem to me!"
Roderick: "uh oh.. you didn't tell me Henry is your brother!"

The short tempered Henry quickly draws his sword. "You wen't behind my back to charm my sister?!"

Roderick stepped back, Frederick did his best to restrain Henry and Elena panicked. "Don't hurt him Henry!" She said.
Frederick did his best to restrain henry. "Roderick is our friend, trust him!"

Henry lowered his sword. "Very well.. explain yourself Roderick, what where you doing here with my sister."

Roderick: "I only read a welcomeing poem to her and introduced myself, I would never do anything to hurt your sister!"
Elena: "It's true, he was just being polite to a lady, is that not a requirement of all knights?"
Henry grumbled a bit but gave in. "That's true.. it is in our code of chivalry."

((Still no sign of any Dread Baron, could he just be a fable? does he even exist? The answer to that will come tomorrow!))

Offline cowabounga

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2012, 11:34:01 »
What's next? What's next? What's next?  ;)
Life in the so called space age...

Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2012, 14:15:22 »
 :picsplz: Awesome story so far!!
Life's essentials: food, water, shelter and at least one klicky.

Offline Lynx

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2012, 08:45:13 »
Well done, Rhalius! Laughed out loud about the fossile collection :lol:
RANDOLPH, a comic with Playmobil! Click for part: [1] [2] [3]

Offline Rhalius

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Re: The Dread Baron.
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2012, 14:41:00 »
While Elena gets properly introduced to Roderick and Frederick, under the (very) watchfull eyes of Henry, King Phillip has called for the court to gather after Ranulf told him some rather troubling news.

King Phillip: "Ranulf, you are sure it is either one of them?"
Ranulf: "Yes, they have been acting strangely on the way over here."
King Phillip: "Very well. Tell the guards to bring Sir Jory and Sir Stephan before me, unarmed."

A few minutes later, the two knights stand before the king, with the entire court gathered.

King Phillip: "Sir Jory, Sir Stephan.. I have good reason to believe that either of you is the Dread Baron we have heard so much about lately."
They both seem quite surprised to hear this. "Dread Baron?" Sir Jory asked. "My lord, we came here to protect your castle from this dread baron." Stephen pleaded to the king.
Elena: "This is absurd! these two knights where perfect gentlemen on their way over here, they couldnt possibly be the Dread Baron!"
Ranulf: "The Dread Baron is a master of deception child, we have found evidence."

Cedric went inside the castle, and brought out the chest that was supposed to contain Lady Elena's dresses.
He opened the chest in front of everyone, and showed that the chest was filled with the distinctive dark armor and shield of the Dread baron!

Everyone looked in shock at the content of the chest,  including Jory and Stephan.  and many grew affraid when they realised the Dread Baron was here!
King Phillip: "Ranulf told me he heard the clanking metal when he ordered two servants to unload the chest."
Queen Dominique added: "Tomorrow you two will stand trial, and we will determine which one of you is the Dread Baron. My apologies but both of you will have to be locked up untill tomorrow."
Cedric: "Guards, Ranolf, escort these two knights to the prison. Keep a close eye on them."

They where escorted to the prison, with guards all around them and Cedric right behind them. Without saying a word, but looking quite sad, the two knights walked up right into the prison to await their trial.

Ranulf "Move it scum, into the prison!"
Cedric: "One is innocent sir Ranulf, and even an enemy deserves to be treated with respect. Make sure that both of them get enough food and drinks while they are in prison."
Ranulf: "My apologies Sir Cedric, may I offer to drink with you in honour of our victory here today?"
Cedric smiled: "That sound's like a good idea, it will lighten the rather grim mood that suddenly came over the castle."

In the meanwhile the three friends couldnt help but just silently watch as the two knights where escorted into prison. They weren't sure what to believe anymore. These knights seemed friendly enough. Elena still seemed quite certain of their innocence however, and kept trying to convince the king and queen of this but it was in vain.

Frederick: "I bet it's Sir Jory, I told you he was up to no good."
Roderick: "He is not after your position Frederick, give it a rest. Something just isnt right about this.."
Henry: "Perhaps its Sir Stephen.. he didnt really talk with anyone ever since he arrived. He's too silent."

((tomorrow the story will continue  :) ))