While Elena gets properly introduced to Roderick and Frederick, under the (very) watchfull eyes of Henry, King Phillip has called for the court to gather after Ranulf told him some rather troubling news.

King Phillip:
"Ranulf, you are sure it is either one of them?" Ranulf:
"Yes, they have been acting strangely on the way over here."King Phillip:
"Very well. Tell the guards to bring Sir Jory and Sir Stephan before me, unarmed."A few minutes later, the two knights stand before the king, with the entire court gathered.

King Phillip:
"Sir Jory, Sir Stephan.. I have good reason to believe that either of you is the Dread Baron we have heard so much about lately."They both seem quite surprised to hear this.
"Dread Baron?" Sir Jory asked.
"My lord, we came here to protect your castle from this dread baron." Stephen pleaded to the king.
"This is absurd! these two knights where perfect gentlemen on their way over here, they couldnt possibly be the Dread Baron!"Ranulf:
"The Dread Baron is a master of deception child, we have found evidence." Cedric went inside the castle, and brought out the chest that was supposed to contain Lady Elena's dresses.
He opened the chest in front of everyone, and showed that the chest was filled with the distinctive dark armor and shield of the Dread baron!

Everyone looked in shock at the content of the chest, including Jory and Stephan. and many grew affraid when they realised the Dread Baron was here!
King Phillip:
"Ranulf told me he heard the clanking metal when he ordered two servants to unload the chest."Queen Dominique added:
"Tomorrow you two will stand trial, and we will determine which one of you is the Dread Baron. My apologies but both of you will have to be locked up untill tomorrow."Cedric:
"Guards, Ranolf, escort these two knights to the prison. Keep a close eye on them."They where escorted to the prison, with guards all around them and Cedric right behind them. Without saying a word, but looking quite sad, the two knights walked up right into the prison to await their trial.

"Move it scum, into the prison!"Cedric:
"One is innocent sir Ranulf, and even an enemy deserves to be treated with respect. Make sure that both of them get enough food and drinks while they are in prison."Ranulf:
"My apologies Sir Cedric, may I offer to drink with you in honour of our victory here today?"Cedric smiled:
"That sound's like a good idea, it will lighten the rather grim mood that suddenly came over the castle."In the meanwhile the three friends couldnt help but just silently watch as the two knights where escorted into prison. They weren't sure what to believe anymore. These knights seemed friendly enough. Elena still seemed quite certain of their innocence however, and kept trying to convince the king and queen of this but it was in vain.

"I bet it's Sir Jory, I told you he was up to no good."Roderick:
"He is not after your position Frederick, give it a rest. Something just isnt right about this.."Henry:
"Perhaps its Sir Stephen.. he didnt really talk with anyone ever since he arrived. He's too silent."----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
((tomorrow the story will continue
