Just bought the new US exclusive fire station, and thought I'd do a quick review. It has some really neat features to it. So here goes.
front of box
back view
pictures on the side of the box
The fire station walls are modular, as you see. Those red parts did not come clipped in, but they were hard to remove after they were installed.
A close-up of the brick texture, which is quite nice.
A picture showing how the walls clip together.
One of my favorite features of this set... mini-blinds! I don't ever remember seeing any quite like this before, but they're really cool.
The roof is all one piece that snaps into the top.
A view showing the doors and windows installed, and how the windows swing open.
These are not working doors, but rather one solid piece. A bit disappointing. The handles do move up and down, though.
A view showing the slide pole, staircase, and system x holes in the back.
A view of the very nice lights for the back of the building, another favorite feature for me!
A close-up of one of the lights.
front lights and flag installed. There is also a sticker for that sign on the front, but we left it off, as this is going to be an ambulance station for us.
A close-up of the flag
call center
the other contents of the set, and the klickys
And that's it. All in all, it's a nice little set, in spite of being a clip system. It's got some really nice parts!