I'm definitely not a hardcore customizer like some of the other forum members, but this morning I had some fun making a late Roman legionary. Just a warning, don't expect any big changes - it's a minor custom!

By the late third century AD, the Roman army was beginning to change. Many Roman soldiers were being recruited from Germanic tribes outside the empire. Replacing the familiar plate armour of the first and second century AD was scale and chainmail armour which was easy to produce and maintain. The Imperial Gallic and Imperial Italic type helmets were soon abandoned in favour of the Intersica type helmet which was of poorer quality. Soon, the javelin was replaced with the hasta, a long stabbing spear and the gladius (used for stabbing) was replaced by the spatha, a long sword more suitable for slashing. Also, the large, rectangular, scutum was replaced by a flat oval shield. Trousers, which were better to wear in the harsh winters of the northern provinces, replaced the tunic, whose hem reached the knee of a soldier. Finally, soldiers began to adopt boots, instead of the open toed caligae.
Here's some pics!

During battle:

After battle:

I hope you don't mind all the detail, I just wanted to put some historical context around this custom.


Btw, I intend to replace the bronze coloured helmet with a silver coloured helmet of the same type, but feel free to give any feedback!