Look to the right of the red high-lighted words "Registration F.A.Q." for words that say "Playmobil Links".
I guess it could be more easily accessible!
The best I could do, unfortunately. It was either put it there or have no links page at all.
There is no in-built feature in the forum admin for adding buttons to the main menu - I wish! - so I had to customize it using a modification (i.e. mod) from the SMF site. I have two similar mods in place - one generates the button leading to the Photo Album area and the other one creates the Info section. These are the only mods I could find which would work together with the rest of the forum pages without causing loads of error messages to flag up.
I could remove the button leading to the Photos and replace it with a Links button, but I felt it was more important to give people easy access to our gallery containing thousands of user images rather than showing them how to leave us and visit other Playmobil sites.
I was thinking more along the lines of them being plastered all over the main forum page near the bottom. It only helps the overall comunity to spread the word
Am aware of this which is why I tried so hard to retain the page after the upgrade. "Plastering" links buttons all over the place would not only look messy, it would require severe changes to the script. Forum pages are not the same as regular html pages. They are written in
PHP. You have to be very knowledgeable about scripting in order to attempt the type of code-hacking you are suggesting.