Hello all members of PlaymoFriends
I´m TricorneJock, father of family from 2 childrens, Nicolas ( 10 ) and Felix ( 2 ). I´m born in France but I´m living in Germany since 15 years.
I like Playmo since 2 or 3 years with more or less big interress, but I don´t had them when I was child ( we was 3 joungs and we have played with Lego exclusively ). By Playmobil I like Pirats, Knights and medieval, overall old klicks from the first generation ( Indians, worker and knights ).
I like make a photographies, some with photo-programms, some photo direct. It´s very interressting to try a twice possibilitys of "work". I´m not photograph at all but I had a artiscal education, painting, carving, decoration, etc... but I work than Joiner for some exclusiv customers. I hope to meet some another peoples like me.
If you are curious, you can see some of my pics here:
http://www.tricornejock.com by "photo" or "affiche" ( I´m a not commercial webside ) .
I like change some Klicks or make "Customs" myself, just for fun or play to concours in some of another forums.
Happy to join Playmofriends and hope about a great contact with a lot of nice members. You see, I don´t write english very well but I hope that it will be enough to get a good communication
See you soon...