Thanks for your reactions, folks! Your Uncl Karl is indeed a brilliant fashionista, EmGee! And it's a shame they didn't use bald/ bandaged hair pieces for the Bear and the 'Leernicht' (liturally translated: Leather Niece; a 'nicht' (niece) is a word that's used in Holland for a gay.
In the article the makers told that they had so much fun making it and there was not enough space to show them all, unfortunately the 'Drag Queen' didn't make it. (I wonder how he'd looke like). I also learned a lot of new words. For instance: a more tiny built Bear is called an Otter.
I think some of the makers are incroud in the scene.
@ playmo1989 and Birdie: Yes, it is way funnier and to typecast something/ someone you don't need a real face... I can't come up with another brand of toys which has so much possibilities to customize as Playmobil. And the innocence of a toy can hardly insult someone, it's more cute than offensive, in my opinion.
I've heard you before on other topics about the colour use of Playmobil (and your not being content with it) Your remark made me laugh!
@Emgee: I can send you the original paper if you like.