Author Topic: Anyone custom combine Fairytale Castle with any medieval castle set?  (Read 5156 times)

Offline BlackPearl2006

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I'm going for a Disneyland style castle, where the outter walls are a typical medieval style castle (steck or sys x), but the inner keep will include round pretty towers with spire rooftops of the 4250 and the other dream castle from PM.

Has anyone done this yet before?

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Offline bonniebeth

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Funny you should ask, I think there was something like this shown in the exhibition pictures linked here:

It is a very good idea!
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Offline Pynedor

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I haven't, but I've wondered about this too, as it seems like a great idea! ;)

Offline Ace

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It's not exactly Disneyland, but I've been considering giving that castle a stone-texture repaint with blue towers:

Ace :knight:

Offline Rhalius

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Seems like better colors.

I really don't like how they make some sets overly pink, this wasnt the case with the first fairytale castle batch and this batch seemed to look so much better because of it.

Offline bonniebeth

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Oh, I really like that idea, Ace!

It's somewhat annoying when sets like this are pink, but I'm a lot more irritated by the hotel being pink!!! That's a theme that definitely would have interested boys too, but since it's pink they cut their sales at least in half. >:(
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Offline Lynx

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That's a great idea! I can imagine lot of new ideas are born while you're building this castle.. I'm very curious how it's gonna look like!  :)
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Offline Rhalius

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It was definatly a weird decision with the hotel, it is a bit odd considering that Playmobil is all about having nameless clickies and allowing kids to decide for themselves what the stories will be like.
Dividing themes based on gender just doesnt fit with that philosophy if you ask me.

It's only natural that some themes are more popular with either boys or girls, but there will be boys who like to play with a hotel, a victorian dollhouse or an elaborate dining table with nicely dressed nobles. Just like how there will be girls that like to play with castles, pirates and maybe even construction workers.

The western and pirate themes seem to be well ballanced, there is the occasional cowgirl along with civilian ladies and Indian ladies in the theme, and each pirate batch seems to include a female pirate.

This does make this topic all the more interesting though, since the suggestion is to combine the two opposites since the medieval theme in its present state probably caters as much to girls as the fairytale castle caters to boys.

Geobra really should look more for the middle ground, many families have both boys and girls. By encouraging them to play together instead of seperatly, they may grow up with a better understanding of the opposite sex.

Sorry for the rant.  :-[

Offline Ismene

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That was a very intelligent rant.  :) As a kid, I wanted the medieval castle (the fairytale one didn't exist). Now I like the design of both, but I hate pink  :lol:

I love the idea of combining them! It would take a bit of customization to get them to look cohesive, but many actual castles combine different styles from different periods, so it's totally doable. I can't wait for the pics!

Offline Wolf Knight

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I was lurking the other day on Klickywelt and saw some really interesting pics ombining steck castle, fairytale palace and victorian houses, but the pics were few and specific. We cannot of course copy pics from Klickywelt so I can't post any pics here... and I can;t remember where exactly I was them in klickywelt so I cannot provide a link either  :-[
But I do have to say this: it was a wonderful work!!!!