Hey buddies and GoT-geeks!
Here are the caparisons I intend to use for the four main houses. I'm also showing, for each house, two shields: the classical medium shield, and the shield the rider will carry, which is a different shape for each house.
First is a white version for House Stark. I prefer it white, since the Targaryen will be black, and so each house will have a different colour...
Then we have the Lannister. Since Jaime will ride it and he is such a show off (reminds me of Prince Charming from Shrek, a bit), I chose a heavily embroidered caparison, with a rich base colour, so it's a dark red instead of bright red.
House Targaryen was easy, though the sigil was a pain in the neck drawing.
For House Baratheon, I made two versions and I need you guys to helps me choose between black and yellow for the background.
Can't wait for your comments!