heh, I am not saying that here in Europe we lived to see it, its a bit more around us with the castles, cathedrals and many old buildings still being around from that time, and it being part of the national history.

I'd bet americans would generally feel more of a connection with the american civil war than with the Napoleonic wars, just like how here in Europe it would be the other way around for the countries which where involved in it.
While playmobil cowboys and american civil war soldiers are popular around the world, I'd bet they would be sold far more in America than any other place since to Americans its history. Did they ever release western exclusive sets in the US though? It seems like a perfect match.
It's probably a marketing thing though, and here in the Netherlands most people seem to know next to nothing about our own history. Most dont seem to care about anything that happened before WW2. So I'd gues that might be the reason that exclusives are never of an historic nature here.
Still, countries like Greece, Italy and England seem to pretty much have the reputation to be quite fond of their own history so I really could picture such countries pushing for exclusives in that direction.