After a couple of hours, Robin came to a small stream. He followed it for a while and sure enough a bridge appeared from between the trees.
Wondering what was spooking it, he calmed his horse. "
Easy boy. I feel something too. And where are the guards?"
This bridge marked the border of the lands of Lionheart. Although the opposite bank was part of the mountain lands and there hadn't been a war between these two nations for over 100 years, leaving the bridge unguarded was sure not a normal thing to do.
Robin was so busy with the horse that he did not notice the strange man in the forrest.
After dismounting, Robin took the horse and started to walk cautiously over the bridge.
No guards. The king must have called them back because of the troubles brewing".
The strange man murmured and giggled. With a bang, the smell of sulphur filled the sky and two large, wild and to Robin strange animals appeared.
Startled, he fell backward, letting the reigns go. The horse ran back to the safety on the good side of the bridge.
After no more than a second, Robin jump back onto his feet, his sword ready in his hand.
I do not know from whence you came. I have no wish to kill, but I will defend myself and this bridge!"
The strange man watched silently what was unfolding, never letting his eyes off of Robin.
The two tigers, for that was what they were, took one look at the sword and its wielder. They decided to go hunt for an easier prey.
Robin put away his sword and whistled. His horse appeared from the trees. Robin led it to the water and made it drink.
He patted its back and whispered "
I too was scared and I don't blame you for running. Now relax and enjoy the rest."
The strange man decided he had seen enough and started walking towards Robin.
Sensing the approach, Robin turned around quickly. His sword was back in his hand. He hesitated. Why was the horse still drinking? Why didn't it run away like before?
Your horse has felt my presence too, young man. But his judgement of character is untainted by man-fighting. Rest assured, I bring you no harm" the strange man said.
Robin decided to trust the instincts of his horse and put away his sword. The strange man sat down on a tree stump.
My name is Emrys and I saw how you handled those two tigers. Impressive and kind of you not to kill them."
Tigers you say? Do you mean those two catlike creatures that appeared out of nowhere? Do you know where they came from?" Robin asked, sitting down next to the man.
Emrys giggled. "
Why out of magic, of course. With a little help from me. I wanted to know how you would handle a crisis with animals before I could decide to help you or not. The way you handled the tigers, without blood shed or killing has made me decide. I will help you."
Robin looked puzzled. How did Emrys know that Robin needed help? And could he trust Emrys to give him the right kind of help?