For years this project its been around my head, specially when i haven't seen any like it. now turns out i do have time and some space, but above all most of my pieces together. Little by little ill be working on it, and trying to do as "realistic" as possible, this may be hard when the real motte and bailey models i found are just and idea. ill be posting pictures of almost every building and its variations, just trying to get a more accurate and practical idea.
this kind of fortifications was used during medieval times, and where used widely in norther europe, with its variants but with the same idea, a keep in a hill surrounded by a paladize and a ditch, the lower part, with all the quarters, also surrounden by a paladize and a ditch. its is say that was the secret weapon that help william the conqueror took over the channel and build an empire in england... this contructions usually was build in a few days, a castle build of wood. sometimes only the gate and the lower part of some buildings where made of stone.
here some examples...