Right some photos, first off the 2 Knights
They're both really cool I love the wings on the red Knight his wings move up and down a good bit and the shield and sword are great, I like the cahinmail headgear more than I expected but, there's still something about it which I find weird I'm much more comfortable with my figures having hair to me it just seems like a step down from a helmet which by the way is quite a nice piece as well. I like the green Knight at least as much, his tunic and shield are really cool love the celtic? looking design and I like his hair piece, not sure about the helmet it's quite nice but, sometimes it doesn't seem to sit right on the head.
All the Knights together
Now for the Woodwork class, I'll do some photos of them in action so to speak when I get time these are more just to show what's in the set
A close up of the work bench and stools, bin, some tools (looks like a chisel or hammer, screwdriver and based on the photos then something for spreading glue) and glue, vice with one of my wood offcuts and a drill by the looks of it