Hello again everyone. This is a photo story showing an updated view of the Playmobil City Fire Department station interiors. As mentioned in my 2009 topic, all of the PCFD station interiors are the exact same to prevent confusion & to allow substitute personnel to get acquainted faster if they are filling in for another firefighter that is absent. This story is showing Station 22 that has a good many of Playmofriend avatars assigned to it. There has been updates, additions, & remodeling going on throughout PCFD District's 1 & 2 stations as seen in this photo story 2012 update.
Take a look around, & I hope you like this photo story.
The apparatus OIC office that also houses the back up dispatch center, & station officer's office.
An apparatus OIC inputting personnel information updates.
An overview of the training class room with a class on the new rescue hydraulic tools in progress.
Baden's avatar shown attending the rescue tool instruction class.
Instructors showing the rescue tool's coupler connection.
Instructor's preparation office.
A view of the meat refrigerator, & chicken rotisserie cookers.
A PCFD firefighter being served a portion of chicken.
Playmofires assistant cooking himself a meal.
A PCPD officer getting a dinner plate.
A view of FireChief's firefighting hose stretched through the dining room.
PCEMS Medic 22's crew. A close up of Chris.
BonnieBeth's avatar drinking a cup of coffee.
FireChief's avatar talking to Gareth.
KP duty.
A friendly card game of aces & eights, no money involved
Playmofire's avatar talking to Tiermann's avatar alias firefightersaurus, while he eats his dinner.
Notice how big his appetite is, but he is known to have excellent table manners, & eats everything on his plates!
A front view showing him multitasking. Notice the fork with sausages, a full cup of coffee, while talking to Playmofire, & watching the cartoon movie Ice Age on TV all at the same time!
2 PCFD arson investigators, pouring a piping hot cup of coffee, & a cup of tea.
An overview of the interior.
Another card game in process, & a view of the refrigerators.
Dottie the Dalmatian & a firefighter OIC watching the Animal Planet channel on TV.
Firefighter's working out in the fitness room that will be added on to as equipment becomes available.
The restrooms with showers. The women's side with 2 showers, & the men's side with 3 showers.
HEEEEY!.....really? A cellphone picture? This better not end up on Face Book!
A view of the renovated conference room.
The bunk room.
2 of the 8 slide poles positioned at strategic locations. 2 PCPD officers talking to a PCFD arson investigator.
That is the end of this 2012 PCFD fire station interior update, I hope you enjoyed it!