Well, while working on two of my current photography projects, I deciced to check out some of my earliest playmobil pictures to analyze how I used to make some landscaping effects...when I looked at some of my first photo stories, I noticed that the backdrop effects were not as perfect as my current ones...however my photography was pretty ok and the details in the layouts were very good too.
Since (in my opinion) I did not put together that balance of all "especial effects" like I do now, I kind of feel embarrassed of showing my old artwork - however a part of me tells me that this is just a ridiculous perception and while I get done with my current projects I should show some of my old ones (especially to those who missed it).
The pic below is a bunch of outtakes from my African photo story (called "Honey Moon in Africa")...it may be interesting to re-post it on here after 7 years (I made it in 2005) to compare my photography evolution after all, no? what do you all think?
Why have I become so ridicuosly perfeccionist?
has this ever happened to anyone?
I sometimes feel I'm crazy too!!
sorry if my latest posts are nonsense to some of you