>TATSI</Operations Robot/Planet Krunn reporting to Jupiter Orbit Master Station :
- At 39:44 - Krun Time Supreme Commander Iserox's Spaceship arrived on planet Krunn
- All Ground and Space crew of Krun has assembled as emergency ordered via Iserox's crew of spaceship ' Agnar'
- At 39:46 Current Commander of Krun Operations Dr Gargarian ( who appeared again a few days after his dissapeance with no proper explanations given ) is accompanied very closely by deputy commanders Arnor and Audun who arrived at Krunn only a few days before Iserox.
- At 39:48 Crew Of Agnar prepare ladder for Iseroth
-At 39:50 Agnar's gate opens and Iseroth appears before all
-At 39:51 Dr Gargarian attempts to greed Iserox. Supreme Commander Iserox instead of greeding him orders for his immediate arrest . >MITSI<, >KOTSI< operations robots apprehend Gargarian
-At 39:52 >KOTSI< following Iserox's order pushes Gargarian to the ground. Iserox tell him he is found guilty for treason and sentenced immediately to life imprisonment
-At 39:54 Gargarian is taken by force but with no resistance to spaceship ' Agnar ' to be transported directly on the frozen asteroid Rura Penthe for serving his ' irreversible' life sentence
- At 39:57 Supreme Commander Iserox commences the Krunn Crew Inspection followed by Deputy Commanders Arnor and Audun
- At 39:64 Iserox expresses his admiration for Single-Pilot Disruptor DRG9- Mark 5 the very latest in space technology capable of warp drive despite smal size. Iserox informs his trusted deputy commanders that an entire space fleet is on it way to double the production on Planet Krun along with an entire Squadron of additional Disruptors to ' serve some other purposes' at this part of the galaxy '
- At 39:68 Commander Iserox continues the inspection of the ground and space crews ..
- At 39:72 Commander Iserox enters RS ground station 1 . He orders his deputy's to get everyone back to work immediately.
- At 39:73 RS ground station 1 is sealed and everyone is heading back to their scheduled tasks.