Thanks for feedback, everyone.
I really like them (though I THINK the hand saw of the carpenter might be too modern)
I don't the history of saws that well. Does Playmobil make a more appropriate design? The only thing I can think of is the 2-person saw, and Lisa would kill me if I stole it from her farm.
A few more commoners:
I once read that some poor souls in medieval times had to climb down into the latrines and empty them...
This guy doesn't seem pleased with the duty.
This barely-a-custom just fills the need for someone to guide cattle or sheep inside the town walls.
Finally, this guy
will probably be a shoemaker or a cobbler, if I can ...
(wait for it....)
cobble together some tools for him.
IMO he doesn't look noble, but also doesn't look like he's a hard laborer, so I think a job of shoemaker would fill a medieval niche and suit him.