I was having a look on Ebay a couple of weeks ago and happened to spot these 2 little fellas who I won
I was very excited as the fella with the black hair is just like the Knight well Prince technically that I had as a kid all be it the helmets are not the same (he would have come with a golden crown with a triangle on the front originally) and one of the swords is different but, it's a darn sight good enough for me. He was one of my favourite figures as a kid but, I lost him somewhere and the only part I have left is his hair piece which the Eagle Eyed amongst you will notice my Mechanic is now wearing, looking at these figures now I can totally understand why I loved them so much.
Of course my Knight was eager to meet the new guys even if he doesn't know that they're technically Princes
He wanted to try on some of the helmets I'd still like to get him a shield, helmet, spurs and black dog like he wold have originally come with and poossibly a beard but, he looks cool for now ...
... all be it a bit like a shark