Playmobil has given us a few nice wizards so far. These four are the ones I see with frequency one the second-hand market.

There are also a druid, a genie, lots of gnomes and fairies/elves, and a few witches and sorceresses. But very few human wizards. And we need more!

So below are my built-from-extra-parts wizards. Some are very close to what others have made. Some are more unique. I will add to this thread as time and spare parts allow.
Let me know what you think. As always, polite criticism is very much appreciated: Feedback is necessary for improvement.
Thank You.
We received a new fire wizard the other day. I was so excited: I LOVE that guy! But then I tried to think of what to do with 2 fire wizards. His robes are so distinct that even with new hair he'd look like a clone.
(Medieval + Uniformity = BAD) Well, if ya can't change 'em, join 'em:

So I'm hoping you see a fire wizard's apprentice here. He needs bracelets, I think. The only ones I have here are gold, and he shouldn't have much gold, being a poor barefoot gofer. The gold knife belongs to the boss, of course....
Here is my obligatory Gandalf inspired wizard.

Not sure if I like the blue boots: they were what I had around. Some days they seem whimsically eccentric for a slightly dotty old wizard. Other days they seem... wrong.
This guy is knock-off of the 4579 special Spirit. I just liked the design, and made a human (mortal? alive?) version of him.

His hood makes me think of wind, and I think he'll become a wind wizard, once I find appropriate accessories...
I imagine this guy as having a special affinity for sound,

as he carries a horn and has a ringing staff. The updated version of him has no green zig-zag on his skirt and has gold shoes.
And this fella must manipulate light and visions,

as his outfit alone can cause hallucinations.

He is mostly made from the older Magi set that we had in plenty. I know his d-bag beard isn't quite symmetrical, and needs tweeked, but I love the effect it gives him and am afraid of ruining it when I go in to fix it.
That's all my pix for today. More to come soon. Thanks for looking.