thanks everybody ! for Emmy's "work" and for ours victorians figures (she's worth than me with the colors ... she need 30 mm all days to chose her clothes ...) i take a picture of the furniture i made for her (all furniture of her room have been made by daddy) , as you see playmo can fall and there's possibility to put her playmo below furniture below which is convenient because everything is ranks by theme and allows quick access to what she want . If the little one don't destroy all i will take more picture of her room when things will be better , there's also 2 princess casttles , the circus , two house and many other possibility but we cannot put all her playmo in her room (train etc ....) , she need a place to do her shool work ... Now the barbie and dolls are in her sister room (who play with playmo 123 as well ...) In our little village we're know as the family playmo , she have friends (girls ) who come to play with her (the boy are not welcome , they generally play differently and after we had too much work to make order considering the quantity of playmo she have ....) ps : you have seen only half of her 1900 playmobils , the house are too little !!!! the next purchase will be to add a floor to his school, we think to make a canteen on one side and the other a dance hall using the mirror of the coifure shop (she make classic dance ...)
sometimes , she use my playmobil room to make scene on the floor like jungle because we have 50 KG of animals and we are always afraid to vacuum (i use translator exeptionatly for this word : aspirateur in french ) see you later on this post and thanks for your commentary !!