On Friday when I was having a look through the Greenhouses at the Botanics I found a tiny succulent plant growing out from under one of the pots in the Greenhouses, after having a look through some of the plants to see which of them would be the first this year to be repotted then I mixed up some of my special mix cacti compost and set to work on the days plants. The end result was this tiny little plant, fortunately I had a tiny plant pot which I'd bought to use as a prop for with my AM's.
I think it's a Graptopetalum or Echeveria but, ahven't got round to looking it up yet
This is another of my wee plants which is a Crassual Ovata
I was taking some photos of my AM's interacting with the plants at the same time so just to show a quick comparison of the scales. That I hope is going to be one of the great things of collecting/working with Playmobil and Action Man being able to use their different scales to different effects