I made another order today (9:14 am) and asked in my email
"It would be helpful if you could send me an itemised invoice so I can check any possible substitutions. If this is not possible, perhaps you could let me know any parts costing over £3."
I hoped this might elicit the sort of itemised costs Walt-Trains alluded to:
D.S in the U.K. will give you the cost of each item if you ask, or if you send an email ask what each item costs.
I got a prompt response (11:39 am)
with a list of parts not available and part numbers of three items costing £3.70, £3.70 and £2.75 (no surprises given what they were- Roof piece and wallpaper for Modern House 3965 and a Klicky respectively). Not quite an itemised list
but better than being charged £15 for an automatic substitution, so I'm happy.
The order included 14 different hairpieces (wigs) and only one (silver chainmail) was unavailable, so I'm pleased about that too
- DS in the US has not always been this helpful in the past e.g. this from 2009:
Hi everyone,
Just tried to place an order yesterday for various parts plus hair and was told that you could no longer order hair...you have to buy the kliky to get hair. I figure they must be trying to stop refurbishing of used parts.
and more recent experiences of parts ordering in US and Europe. Just goes to show how the service varies in different parts of the world!