Hello again everyone! You didn't think I was going to fade away into the back ground did you

? This photo story is about the Playmobil City Emergency Medical Services, Mobile Intensive Care Units that are not assigned to any particular station in either District's 1 or 2. They are posted throughout their corresponding Districts depending on emergency call volume. Their Medic numbers reflect their job descriptions. EG, Medic 101 is assigned to District 1 with no assigned station hence the 0, & they are the first floating MICU team 1 that rotates to different areas of District 1. These units are responsible for responding to any District 1 or 2 department call are that may need additional EMS crews to assist with the medic unit permanently assigned there. If for instance a vehicular collision emergency call comes in to PCESDC for Station 22, Medic M22 will respond, & if multiple patients are needing care, these floaters will respond to the incident also. There are 2 of these units per district, in District 1 they are M101, M102, & District 2, M201, & M202. If a mass casualty incident occurs, all PCEMS units will be dispatched accordingly.

Overview of PCEMS District 1 floater units, Medic M101, M102, & their crews.

Medic M101.

Medic M102.

Overview of PCEMS District 2 floater units, Medic M201, M202, & their crews.

Medic M201.

Medic M202.
This is the end of this photo story. I hope you enjoyed the description of how these units were brought into existence.