Pynedor This goes back a couple of years , there are quite few related threats in the kingdoms map actually.. As for Krull i wouldnt know where to start really. In summary its the kingdom in the very north east. Populated by vikings ( not all in vikings apparel though). Allied with Ceragem ( Wolf Knight ) and Melnibone ( Elric) . With Melnibone it lead a successfull conquest of the northern plains and the conquered lands were split 60:40 . Also was in battle with the Old empire and won some lands in the Krull/ empire Border. Krull's Jousting champion General Sir Arngar stands second in the total Jousting league table and also the jousting viking Arngeir hasn't done too badly at 8th ( i think ) place - for more details of the jousting that has taken place so far see Tiermann's site which is simply magnificent. Krull has a big city / army and a lot of vikings too ( see my related threats) plus a strong dragon/magic fraction which is now subject to Emperor Iseroth ( not till recently where all the stories were changed due to some resons i wont dwell upon..) . Total Krullian army is well in excess of 1400 klickies ( dont include vikings/gauls or the dragons' armies ) - see my medieval collection for all this ( vikings /gails not set yet ) . Krull is famous for its Ale, jousting , fiery women and its army . I would say a mix of Klingon and Romulan empire with more Romulan DNA ( though dont mix this with the old empire) . In the map threat ( run by WoT) there will be a battle between the old Empire ( i will use my romans ) and Krull which will be my next photo-story - land and sea actually two battles that will determine the fate of these two empires.... hope this summary helped oh and Emperor Iseroth is a war mongering King with a huge appetite for battle and conquest and his ' Magnificent Four' generals ( all brothers) plus the experienced General Sir Agnar and the blood thirsty ' ancient krullians' vikings of the small island in the very north of this playmobil world are always keen to get involved personally in battles and wars , something that may costly to one or some of them .... all to be seen .....
i'am waiting for the space emperor iserox customs now
Once a have a big armada of space vehicles then Iserox will pop up , threatening to conquer galaxies etc
iserox is a cool name