Author Topic: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull  (Read 3695 times)

Offline Giorginetto

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( all thanks to Atelier Cowabunga by Sir Arnaud )

Here is Emperor Iseroth of Krull with the Magnificent  Four Brothers all Generals of Krull's Army

From left to right

General Alfarin

General Audun

Emperor Iseroth

General Arnor

General Arnvid

Next time you see these mighty generals will be departing from Krull with their vast troop and then battling the old Empire ..... ( not long now till these photostories ...)

 :knight: :knight: :knight: :knight: :knight: :knight: :knight:
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 18:52:10 »
They look great!

Offline Pynedor

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2012, 19:33:28 »

But who is the silver knight in your avatar image? I always assumed that he was Emperor Iseroth.

Offline conniefrere

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2012, 19:45:05 »
Great picture, hope thwy stiil have the change to be all together on a picture of the battle.
:playmo: :egypt: :roman: :builder: :playmo:

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2012, 20:34:06 »

But who is the silver knight in your avatar image? I always assumed that he was Emperor Iseroth.

He is indeed  in a different armor, I have about 4 different klickies for my Emperor !!  ;)
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline Pynedor

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2012, 20:46:59 »
He is indeed  in a different armor, I have about 4 different klickies for my Emperor !!  ;)
Ah, I see. Well that makes sense, I suppose. I'm sure he can afford a few sets of armour. ;)

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2012, 20:49:01 »
I cant wait , just cant wait to set those generals in a massive bloody battle with lots and I mean lots of klickies . i am wating for my last  romans and black lions to arrive and then its all set   ;)
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline Pynedor

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2012, 21:00:28 »
What exactly is the purpose or the motivation of the giant battle you have planned? Can you summarise the dealings of Krull for me please? I've not been around long enough to understand what's going on, so if you could tell me a bit about Krull, that would be great. :)

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2012, 21:21:01 »
What exactly is the purpose or the motivation of the giant battle you have planned? Can you summarise the dealings of Krull for me please? I've not been around long enough to understand what's going on, so if you could tell me a bit about Krull, that would be great. :)


This goes back a couple of years , there are quite  few related threats in the kingdoms map actually.. As for Krull i wouldnt know where to start really. In summary its the kingdom in the very north east. Populated by vikings ( not all in vikings apparel though). Allied with Ceragem ( Wolf Knight ) and Melnibone ( Elric) . With Melnibone it lead a successfull conquest of the northern plains and the conquered lands were split 60:40 . Also was in battle with the Old empire and won some lands in the Krull/ empire Border. Krull's  Jousting champion General Sir Arngar stands second in the total Jousting league table and also the jousting viking Arngeir hasn't done too badly at 8th ( i think ) place - for more details of the jousting that has taken place so far see Tiermann's site which is simply magnificent. Krull has a big city / army and a lot of vikings too  ( see my related threats) plus a strong dragon/magic  fraction which is now subject  to Emperor Iseroth ( not till recently where all the stories were changed due to some resons i wont dwell upon..) . Total Krullian army is well in excess of 1400 klickies ( dont include vikings/gauls or the dragons' armies ) - see my medieval collection for all this ( vikings /gails not set yet ) . Krull is famous for its Ale, jousting , fiery women and its army . I would say a mix of Klingon and Romulan empire with more Romulan  DNA ( though dont mix this with the old empire) . In the map threat ( run by WoT) there will be a battle between the old Empire ( i will use my romans ) and Krull which will be my next photo-story - land and sea actually two battles  that will determine the fate of these two empires.... hope this summary helped  ;)

oh and Emperor Iseroth is a war mongering King with a huge appetite for battle and conquest and his ' Magnificent Four' generals ( all brothers) plus the experienced General Sir Agnar and the blood thirsty ' ancient krullians' vikings of the small island in the very north of this playmobil world are always keen to get involved personally in battles and wars , something that may costly to one or some of them  .... all to be seen ..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline grangel

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Re: Emperor Iseroth and the Magnificent Four Generals of Krull
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2012, 21:21:46 »
Great Customs George!
i think Arnaud's new full body transfers are amazing!!!

Great work there Arnaud!

Marvellous leader for Krull Kingdom!!