Greetings everyone! This photo story is about Playmobil City Fire Department District 2 Station 2 known as Station 22. As described in Station 21’s review, this station protects the far eastern side of Playmobil City where the Playmobil Rail Road cargo depot is located & that area is highly industrialized making it the busiest station in District 2. The surprise within this station is the assigned Playmofriend avatars that are assigned to it as you will see during the picture review! This station has 3 engines, E221, E222, E223, Tower Ladder TL224, SUV 2281 & Specialty Trailer ST22A, Heavy Rescue HR227, Arson Response SUV 2282, Arson Response car 229, 2 auto transport trailers, Playmobil City Emergency Medical Service units, MCM22, & MICU Medic 22. Station 22 is the busiest emergency call wise due to HR227 being needed for rescue missions throughout the northern PCFD District 2 call area. HR247 covers the southern part of District 2, but both units can be activated at the same time if the situation deems it necessary.
Playmobil City Fire Department District 2 Station 2, known as Station 22.
Engine E221.
Engine E222.
Engine E223.
baden-wurttemburg's avatar on driver's side assigned to engine E223.
Arson investigator.
Arson investigator SUV 2282, & response car 229.
Side view of Tower Ladder TL224.
OIC, driver/operator, platform crew, & front view of TL224.
SUV 2281, & Specialty Trailer ST22A.
Structural firefighters assigned to Station 22.
FireChief's avatar that is assigned to Station 22 due to this station being the busiest in PCFD District 2.
Tiermann's avatar outfitted & ready to respond, carrying his gear. He & FireChief are very aggressive firefighter's that never back down from the fire dragon.
A close up of Tiermann's avatar's minor injuries covered by bandaids that were sustained during a recent fire. He's on light duty by Vet's orders.
A picture of his tail injury.
A close up of the smiling Dino firefighter.
Heavy Rescue HR227, & equipment trailer.
Auto hauling trailers assigned to Station 22.
Playmobil City Emergency Medical Service's, Mobile Intensive Care Unit Medic 22.
PCEMS Medic crew, including Clong, & bonniebeth's avatars as crew members.
PCEMS MotorCycle Medic MCM22.
This is the end of this District 2 Station 2 review. I hope you like it.