I haven't got many photos of my Playmobil figures in fact searching through my photos I was surprised at how few I'd got, the ones which show all of my figures aren't particualrly good as they show all the rest of my toys at that time (only about a year ago

when I decided to take a group photo for prosterity, can you spot the Playmobil men in there?


In addition to all of my chidlhood toys the there's several nick nacks and toys which I've found well working around the gardens anyhting vaguely toy related generally goes straihgt in my pocket whether it's good or rubbish, interesting or not, in this way I've come across a complete LEGO figure and some bits to put another figure together, a wee Lightsaber, some cars in different sizes, a pig, frog, Thunderbird 2, Thunderbirds head (inspired me to bid on Thunderbirds figures of Scott who I had as a kid, Virgil and Alan and customize the head to look like Gordon), some Crazy Bones things

? and much more besides

I took these photos a while back of my Policeman taking on one of my LEGO men in his Tractor, let's face it I'm a Gardener you've got to have a Tractor or 2

And finally a photo I took of the Playmobil at Sudbury Hall's Museum of Childhood, we went there last year on the way home from going to Gardener's World Live had been years since the last visit

Hope you all enjoy