I have to add that Highlandcattle may have failed to appreciate the effort required to pull this display together. Because the hall is used on the Thursday all the work, including laying the boards and getting the correct height differential had to be done on the Friday. Gordon was in at around noon if I recall correctly and we had to get track laid and sets laid out. As others of us were busy with our own sets Gordon was on his own with this for a lot of the time.
Gordon, Elaine and Damo had all packed their cars with everything they could. I had some system x buildings that could have been added to the towns on either side but I am not convinced they were needed. Last year we set out to pack the City Life display with buildings and this year there were some comments during planning about giving a bit of space. I think this worked.
We talked about adding to the fields. It may have been possible to add some livestock but this was not a big deal.
We could have put more in (given more time) but was it really necessary? I don't think so.