When sorting Klickies it is worth remembering that some are not 'official' PM-issued figures. I have a box of unidentified Klickies which have legs from one Klicky, arms from another, maybe the torso from another and so on. I call these 'hybrids'. Since it is possible to take a Klicky apart and reassemble with other parts it is possible to improve on the leg/body/arm/head/jacket combinations which PM issue (this is 'customising'). If you get Klickies in ebay lots which you can't find in PlaymoDB, there is a good chance they have been customised by someone some time in the past. This explains female heads on male torsos (mind you PM issue a figure in set 7128 which is just this!), standard legs on 'fat' bodies, ladies with mustaches and so on. Sometimes figures seem to be a combination of whatever the seller could get hold of- often successful 'recombinants', sometimes rather weird or ugly!