Here's a few hints about using
"Who's That Klicky?" at PlaymoDB.
Start off with only a few characteristics: age and sex obviously, then perhaps colours of torso, arms, or legs, added one at a time; beard colour, if any, is good too, although of course that's changeable, as is hair. Colours of face and hands don't help much unless they're unusual. Keep adding characteristics until the list is narrowed down enough to look through for your klicky - it will tell you if your search is too broad to show all the matches. Keep in mind that not all klickies are fully described (it's a huge job!), so if you're searching for a blue torso and I haven't yet labeled the klicky in your hand as having a blue torso, it won't show up. Also try "dark blue", "light blue", "dusty blue" etc. - I try to keep descriptions consistent but don't always succeed.
Another hint: if you have already found the part page for a klicky similar to your target, click on "Show klicky details" to see all its characteristics listed. In the leftmost column, the categories of body parts are listed, with a magnifying glass icon after each. The magnifying glass icon will link to klickies with that identical body part: brown classic-style male hair, for example, or red boots with black wrappings. It's a help if you're not sure what I've called something.
Finally, the date on klickies' feet is pretty much useless: it's the date that particular leg-and-foot mold was first used. Numbers stamped into any parts identify the mold. There are a few in the database (search for them in the text search) but since I get most of my info from instructions, which only list the part number, not the mold number, they're hard to come by.
Hope that helps! Questions, please ask!