Hello everyone. After refining my custom emergency medical AMBU bag valve mask, I've decided to show it to you all. This tool is used by hospital emergency room personel, & emergency medical system field teams to assist unconscious patients that are not breathing due to medical issues or traumatic injuries. The black tube on the end of the bag valve mask shown in the introduction picture, is a reservoir that concentrates oxygen from a tank to over 100% saturation. I have put a link to a you tube video showing the way it is normally used by trained personel. I hope you like this latest custom designed emergency medical tool for the Playmobil City Emergency Medical System ambulance units.
http://youtu.be/skOp-3XiAw0An EMT showing an overview of the new AMBU bag valve mask device.
A close up view.
PCEMS Medic Unit 11's crew shown attending to a stabbing victim & using the new device.
A view of the device being used by an EMT to assist the victim's breathing.
A picture of the face mask in place on the victim.
A view showing a PCEMS Medic Unit 11 Paramedic checking breath sounds during ventilations.
The crew working on the patient.
A close up view.
That is the end of this project. Thank you for looking.
This was a mistake, please go to this version for the newest design. I apologise for this error.