I must admit that I never had a klicky when I was a child. Playmobil became popular in Mexico during early 80’s when I was already a teenager and I had other interests. However, at that time I fell in love two times, with my first girlfriend and with the pirate ship. Pretending to be more mature I told her “this is the kind of toys that I would like to buy for my children” but I yearned for that ship…
Playmobil was licensed by Aurimat and I would acquire my first sets during late 80’s. Those sets were animals that I still have. Set numbers had 5 digits and the first one was “1”. For example 13298 and 13493, which correspond to the standard 3298 (bear & 2 cubs) and 3493 (mama & baby elephant). Since then, Playmobil in Mexico has come and gone out three or four times, which caused several series were never sold here.
First authentic German sets arrived through Mattel during early 90’s, when I got my first job and I used to give many sets to my nephews and nieces. Children grew up playing and “devastating” their collections but those selfless klickies passed away very proud to have accomplished their mission in life. I was compassionate enough to have rescued some of them, the longevous pirate ship 3750 of course, which resembles the missed one (13050), among others.
Being much more selfish than my own klickies, the themes that I am really passionate about are animals, some specials and electric trains. I collect them with a heavy dose of hedonism although moderate quantities of other visually pleasant sets don’t hurt me either. So that’s me and I will be delighted to become a good playmofriend of yours.