Oh, right, those are Specials Plus ...
It actually occurred to me that they brought more than usually Special do. (Specials are usually only a klicky, and these bring lots of accessories. Special "plus" accessories
That feels a little like the "1 klicky" sets, in the original 80s playmo. Only, then, the idea was to make sets of 1, 5 and more
klickys, so that we'd find the same klicky in a small set, or all of them in bigger ones, which was great for poor people who couldn't aford the bigger ones. (We could have even the klickies of big sets, without buying the big set, which doesn't occur anymore
) Those were good times ...
attachment of the ones I hope to get: 4762, 4768 and 4769. I don't like the knight, but the accessories are cool. And I must also comment that the colous of the archer are awful! Hat shoult be different colour, specially the feather, I have loads of yellow feathers of those!, I wish it were white or red, and shades of brown in his garment would be prefered too
Now, this is weird: 4768 and 4769 aren't in the Playmobil.De site. Where are they?? Also, it's a little awkward that the site doens't make any slight difference between Specials and Specials Plus ...]