Author Topic: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn  (Read 9439 times)

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2012, 19:48:59 »
“A very beautiful table. Master BALTOR has done a really good work. “The man reached into his bag. He showed up a few coins . He counted TORIM four pieces of gold on the table, “ this here is the remaining work wage for your master.” Then he put still two pieces of silver in addition, “and this is for you and your aid.” TORIM disbelievingly regarded the money and the extremely generous tip. “No fear, take it! The coins are genuine." The foreigner laughed cordially.

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2012, 19:49:28 »
Nevertheless TORIM could not believe it. He put one of the gold coins between his teeth and bit on it. No doubt, the coin was genuine. “Confidence is good, control is better. Splendid, splendid, young man. Master BALTOR can be proud on you.“ The sympathetic kind of the stranger took TORIM prisoner. And so his speech returned also. “Noble gentleman, have thank you for your generosity, but permit me a question…”, he set to speak. 

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #42 on: February 18, 2012, 19:49:56 »
“Whether I am a magican or a sorcerer?” Again the man laughed, when he saw TORIM's and SESIL's frightened faces. “Have no fear. I'm not. My name is KHONOR. I'm a healer and new in the town. In fact I brew some drinks from all kinds of herbs and different additions, but I don't use magic.“ “However why did you know then, what TORIM wanted to ask you? How recognized you us despite the closed door?“ Now also SESIL wanted to know. “A good knowledge of the human nature is very important for my profession. A blind one has could read the question of your friend on his forehead… and the door? Now, the door was locked, but by the window I saw you arriving. In addition I had agreed upon the delivery for this afternoon with master BALTOR. You see, there's no magic.“

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #43 on: February 18, 2012, 19:50:26 »
TORIM and SESIL were somehow relieved now. They joined in into the merry laughter KHONOR's. A last question still burned TORIM on the lips, “nevertheless, healer KHONOR, why do you live here among all the sorcerers and witches?” “You mean the charlatans, which run around there outside and which put credulous ones the money for prophecies and dear drinks from the bag? My young friend, I must unfortunately disappoint you, but all the guys there outside are neither sorcerers nor witches. The true magicans lives withdrawn in the forests and mountains, or they're serving the kings as councellors and teachers. I selected this quarter, because the rents are cheap here, and I can study these strange humans here.“ 

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #44 on: February 18, 2012, 19:51:02 »
“Now come on, SESIL, we have stopped the healer for a long time enough. My father is  certainly expecting us already impatiently. We wish you still a beautiful evening and much joy with the new table ", Torim said to the healer. The two carpenters leaved the house and returned immediately to their master.

To bei continued …

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2012, 20:22:06 »
Magnificent! :)
I cant wait to read more... :D
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #46 on: March 04, 2012, 13:55:07 »
@WoT: Thank you!

Chapter IV.

By the next morning the baker recognized his nephew hardly again. Although he had never to blame RIGAS' work input, he was nevertheless very much surprised around this early hour, how quickly and in a good mood the young man turned on the hard work in the baking room on this day. They had hardly pushed the last bread into the furnace, RIGAS began to sweep and clean the baking room.

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #47 on: March 04, 2012, 13:55:48 »
“My boy, what have you done?" he wanted to know from his nephew. "There is something going around with you.“ In all the years RIGAS had grown him to the heart, and his nephew was like a son for him. RIGAS had never prepared cause for him to the concern, but now the baker found the behavior of the young man most unusual. “I did not anything, uncle. I would like to begin today only as early as possible with the distribution of bread.“ This answer shifted the uncle into a still much larger astonishment. Although there were never complaints over the distribution of bread, he knew nevertheless, how much RIGAS hated this work, and that he turned on her always as late as only possible.

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #48 on: March 04, 2012, 13:56:19 »
The baker master shaked only the head. Then he watched, how RIGAS packed the basket with bread, and leaving the house the young man was whistling. Did he have herad ever before his nephew whistling? He planned firmly to talk in a calm minute with his sister about RIGAS. Perhaps she knew more as his mother. He returned with this thought to the baking room.

Offline Vauban

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Re: The six kingdoms - Part one - Dawn
« Reply #49 on: March 04, 2012, 13:56:52 »
As fast as he only was able to, RIGAS delivered the ordered bread. He looked forward much to seeing again with SINA. Now he had to supply only the inn in the horse lane, then he could go to the taylor's house. When he knocked on the kitchen door, the landlord woman received him with the words, “good morning, RIGAS, so early I did not have expected you, but come in quickly! I have great news.”