Author Topic: Harbour Cafe + Ferry  (Read 6955 times)

Offline skypurr

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2012, 12:52:05 »
I love the cafe and the klickies that come with it  :love:
Walter had the ferry at Kirkbean last summer and I was surprised at how large it is.
Thanks for showing us these EmGee.  :wave:

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Offline playmogal

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2012, 14:38:41 »
Love these sets! Wish the cafe had three tables and six chairs.....tables and chairs are always difficult to match when ordering from US DS. It would be cooler if they were sysx so we could expand the cafe easily.

The red scooter and car on the ferry are very cute! Wish they had done them in lt orange or another pastel like lime. I adore the old green scooter and smart car, and would love to have them in other pastel colors.

Great additions to a city diorama!
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Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2012, 15:40:14 »

Does anyone else think some of the pictures on this sign are kind of funny? That appears to be ice cream in a martini glass with a cocktail umbrella. 8} And the giant box of french fries with the ol' stars and stripes on it. ;) Just struck me as rather funny. I wish they actually made all these food items. In playmobil, I mean.
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Offline tahra

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2012, 15:51:47 »
Does anyone else think some of the pictures on this sign are kind of funny? That appears to be ice cream in a martini glass with a cocktail umbrella. 8} And the giant box of french fries with the ol' stars and stripes on it. ;) Just struck me as rather funny. I wish they actually made all these food items. In playmobil, I mean.

The ice cream in glass with an umbrella is a very common presentation for icecream here.. 

There are gazillions different decorations for ice cream here, from umbrellas to pieces of fruit and peacocks...

Offline playmo1989

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2012, 21:22:02 »
Does anyone else think some of the pictures on this sign are kind of funny? That appears to be ice cream in a martini glass with a cocktail umbrella. 8} And the giant box of french fries with the ol' stars and stripes on it. ;) Just struck me as rather funny. I wish they actually made all these food items. In playmobil, I mean.

nothing looks realy funny to me  ::)
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Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2012, 22:20:16 »
The ice cream in glass with an umbrella is a very common presentation for icecream here.. 

There are gazillions different decorations for ice cream here, from umbrellas to pieces of fruit and peacocks...

Really? I never saw anything like that around here. Of course, I probably haven't been in an ice cream shop in 15 years....
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Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2012, 00:07:52 »
The ice cream in glass with an umbrella is a very common presentation for icecream here.. 

There are gazillions different decorations for ice cream here, from umbrellas to pieces of fruit and peacocks...

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Can't really explain the stars and stripes box of French fries though, given that Playmobil is a German company. :)
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Offline Baron Marshall

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2012, 00:49:26 »
they must be "freedom fries"  :lol:
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Offline tahra

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2012, 08:48:42 »
they must be "freedom fries"  :lol:

That's what I thought too...

Offline Alison01326

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Re: Harbour Cafe + Ferry
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2012, 12:45:03 »
That's great.  Thanks so much for the review.  The ferry is high on our 2012 wish list as we have a real one locally ...


Isaac made a cardboard one ages ago, for his ordinary toy cars, long before he found out that Playmobil did one, so I think he deserves one, don't you  :yup:

I doubt I'll be allowed another cafe, though as I already have Franky's (3146), and the Ice Cream Parlour (4134) and for Christmas my husband finally gave in to my addiction and bought me the 3254 Cafe as I had mentioned in passing that our local toy shop had one and I thought it was too expensive!!! He was listening  :love:  I also have a Hot Dog vendor (7781), so my Klickies are well catered for.

On the subject of the menu, we also have ice cream served like that in the UK, usually known as a "coupe".  If the German designer of the fries packet has spent any time in the UK he would have gone over to the British way of thinking that "fries" are American and chips are British!!! The only fries we get here in cardboard packets like that are served by McDonalds, Burger King & KFC!!!  Those filled drink glasses also come in some of the wedding sets.

For non-Playmo food items (although so far I have only bought a few sandwiches and hot dogs (for "decoration" only in my displays)) these people do some fabulous food items (and a lot more). I do like the British Fish & Chips but so far my Klickies haven't had to succumb to the torture of having that placed in front of them. If only they had elbows!

We'll definitely be getting that ferry some time, but it's probably going to be towards the end of the year. We have well and truly run out of space now  :(  Oh yes, and money  :lol: