Author Topic: Knights to sort out  (Read 1631 times)

Offline skypurr

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Knights to sort out
« on: January 14, 2012, 00:06:51 »
I know I've been asking a lot of questions lately, but sorting out all my klickies has been a nightmare - an enjoyable one and satisfying when all the correct parts are found, but a nightmare all the same  :lol:
This is the latest batch; about 170 assorted knights, vikings and medieval klickies. 
sorry the photos are a bit dark...

My aim is to make sure that each has the correct hair, hat, cloak, armour, weapon or tool as appropriate and also to find out which set they belong to.

I'm trying to work through each theme and keeping a record of each set and what is missing from any klickies. 
Quite basic, but it seems to work for now...

I haven't attempted to work out anything that may be missing from the set, just the klickies that go with it and their accessories.
So far I've done airport, adventure, western, indians, police, rescue, construction, pirates, magic and fairy tale.

So please bear with me, there will probably be many more questions I need to ask before I finish.

BTW I will probably have quite a number to sell when I've finished sorting  ;D

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Offline Playmoholics

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Re: Knights to sort out
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 00:51:49 »
 :love: What a fun project! You have some great klickies!  :love:
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Offline Tiermann

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Re: Knights to sort out
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 01:10:01 »
That's quite a project. I've pretty much given up on anything like that. I'm just glad I took photos of all my caparison jousting knights before going into the Marketon joust. I ripped most of them apart and customized them to match particular jousters from the tourney. I wouldn't stand a chance of getting them back to original sets without the photos. At this point I'm not even trying, what if I want to do another joust? (at least that's my excuse)

Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: Knights to sort out
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 01:58:14 »
That looks like a fun project! I love your organizing system.
Life's essentials: food, water, shelter and at least one klicky.

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Re: Knights to sort out
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2012, 04:28:08 »
Oh my goodgolliegoshness... :omg:
I would die if I had to sort and correct all of my klickies
so they were standard playmo-made. :o 8}

Good luck! :wave:
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Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Knights to sort out
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2012, 08:52:51 »
Oh I looooove his kind of project!! Good luck Elaine!
Having a first glance in your lot, there seem to be some vikings mixed up in there, so make sure you split them in their correct category.

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Knights to sort out
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2012, 11:22:28 »
One viking seem to be slacking off, everyone is standing but hes laying down.

And about three clickies might have a question, seeing how they have one hand raised.  :lol:

Offline cowabounga

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Re: Knights to sort out
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2012, 11:31:29 »
I can spot a conquistador with blond hair. That's wrong. And the golden lily knight lacks his dark purple feather, and his golden flame-shaped-blade sword. Beware also of the vikings, some are from the superset with the black eagle knight. That's all I can help with at first glance.
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