...he came out of nowhere... it was broad daylight and he still came out of nowhere... Balzaak drove his blade on the king...

Korbal came near, and reached for the king's sword... he picked it up without a word...

..and turned to yell at the two brothers... ''You two, enough! We have what we want. Let personal vendettas for another time.''

''You are in no position to...'' started Anomander, but the Duke interrupted him ''Your older brother would agree with me''
''He is right, said the golden dragon, we must respect Korabas little brother.''
Sir Baldthar, Dassem, the King's nephew and Tanakalian managed to get away into the woods...

''Sister,'' turned Korbal to Evilia, ''is he..'' ''Yes brother, it is done.''

''You! Come here!'' Korbal turned to the Steward of the White Swan ''Your word is the next best thing to the King's successor now... you'll enter the city along my side... I have plans for you...''
''The king's brother will never...'' started Estos ''Oh don't be so sure...'' said the Duke with an evil smile...