Hello PF’s,
One of my favorite themes is the Egyptian one, as a matter of fact al BC themes are my favorites.
I wanted to make some kind of photo story which comprised the Egyptian theme, but not one with only soldiers and war. So I just shot some pics and eventually some kind of story developed into my head. The first pics, and the tale is posted now. The story is a little like a fairy tale combined with Egyptian names, mythology and customs in it, as far as I’m aware of. I don’t know exactly how the stories end or what will follow but I shall try to update the story once a while.
BTW the hymn that I used is part of the Hymns to king Senusret III. Furthermore I’m trying to find out how to make nice backgrounds for future stories instead of the plaster and wood on the walls of my attic.
The Tale of Princes MerineithAs the red dawn slowly rises from beneath the underworld, the riverboat Hapi reaches the shore of the big river Iteru. The pharaoh, on board the ship loaded with the Sarcophagus and all the treasures of his father, sits in silence. The pharaohs ‘thoughts are somewhere else. ‘Did I make the final residence big enough for my father are their enough treasures, are all the correct hieroglyphs to guide him through his journey carved well.’

While the pharaoh contemplates his worries the people on shore sing a hymn for his father the old-pharaoh:
How the Egyptians rejoice, for you have made their offerings flourish
How the farmers in the presence rejoice, for you have enlarged their shares
How the priests rejoice at your strong arm, for you have protected their traditions
How the nobles rejoice at your activity, for your power has grasped their prosperity
How the two riverbanks rejoice at your dread, for you have extended their domain
How your recruits at levy rejoice, for you have caused them to flourish
How the two lands rejoice at your might, for you have protected their walls

Between the royal Nubian carriers and the guards stood princes Merineith, she was trying to get a glimpse of her father the pharaoh to find out in what kind of mood he was. In her mind she had rehearsed a conversation with her father about the tragedy that happened the day before. ‘How would she tell him all this, he had told her explicitly she had to stay in the palace.’
But she hadn’t.