I went into my Playmo shed a couple of weeks ago and decided it was in a bit of a mess so I have started to try and reorganise it.
My first step was to gather as many loose figures together as possible and put them in one place, normally I would keep them in bags sorted into themes and then just placed inside a box. This is ok in that they are all together but difficult to keep all of the figures hats and any hand held accessories with the figures.
A while ago now at a local carboot I met a seller who ment to Malta a lot, he was selling off figures from Valleta market and he had them displayed in large egg trays and I thought then how neat it looked. So I recently aquired a few of these trays and found them to be just what I was looking for to sort out my loose figures and keep each one seperate with their accessories rather than all mixed up in a large bag.
The best thing of all is that they where free and they stack very easily and each tray can hold up to 30 figures.