Many Caucasian men don't have much chest hair, so it is optional. And a lot of us ladies don't care much for it. So if you leave it off speedodad, who is redheaded and probably has very little, that is just fine with me.
If a torso has chest hair, I usually pass on it. Except for guitar guy, who is just too darn cool. I only have three of them, so no spares here. I do use his guitar, arms and other parts as well.
We don't celebrate Christmas much in our home, but are preparing for a big Chinese New Year party! Will post photos once the decorations are up. On her first trip out of China three years ago, (future) daughter in law brought an entire suitcase of CNY party decorations, and we have used them every year since during January.
We have spent the weekend playing with our toys and doing some cooking...crabcakes and apple pie tonight. Hope your CNY is a fun and relaxing time in KL. Do you go to a lot of parties then or mostly stay at home and relax? Cheers!