Speeddodad looks a little like a speedomom you mean compared to the pirate with painted pecs?I still love the pirate with the pecs painted on him.me too...I've been hoping Geobra will make one but I dont know if they ever will....I hope to make more of him and insert 1 in each of my shelves that will accept naked torsosi guess there were two man per canon.OMG! look at this cover...lets wait for our experts...these guns are so simple...I wonder if the artist was correct...I cant imagine what duties except maybe they might need extra men for pushing and retracting the guns for each round....and no pot-bellied fighting men those days?
Cheng just as giorgiometto says, the one woth the female hair was the one i called speedomom.
ok ok I got it guys you know, I've been using them so long (like the other blond sailor) that I dont associate that hair with female klickies anymore....again pardon my really innocent question; I thought french men did tie their hair this way during that period?