Author Topic: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train  (Read 16249 times)

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #70 on: September 09, 2011, 11:07:47 »
you'll leave them all set up outside?

Well thats a good question. I want to but i am concerned that they very fast collect dirt, leafs and bugs , in just 48 hrs the state of my track was really bad. of course all that casue no damage and everythign can be removed quickly. With long trucks , 1200mm , it dont take that long to set such a track actually so its most likely i will set it , leave for a few days and then store it again, the locos and all the equipment of course is stored in the house and never left out unless played with ....  :)
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Offline playmo1989

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Re: Summer Playmobil Project: HighBack Mountain Train
« Reply #71 on: September 09, 2011, 11:15:09 »
Well thats a good question. I want to but i am concerned that they very fast collect dirt, leafs and bugs , in just 48 hrs the state of my track was really bad. of course all that casue no damage and everythign can be removed quickly. With long trucks , 1200mm , it dont take that long to set such a track actually so its most likely i will set it , leave for a few days and then store it again, the locos and all the equipment of course is stored in the house and never left out unless played with ....  :)

nice you thought to be in pm trains too,do you have stations suroundings etc.. i want too some day but much later... no space for that right now 
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