Author Topic: The new Playmobil City International Airport FD foam tender revision.  (Read 12186 times)

Offline kaethe

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Great customs Bill.  Once again, I can say, everything I know about fire equipment I learned from PF!

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Thank you for the compliments regarding this extended custom project, everyone. :wave:
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline playmogal

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Fabulous customs! You are absolutely correct about how little force it takes to piece a fuselage of today's jets. i have seen all kinds of things puncture them while working fleet service during college in Alaska. Forklift puncture holes are my personal favorites because those idiots are actually trained not to pierce a fuselage. And it does mess up the schedule when this happens!

It is quite interesting hearing how these units are used. Before, the airport FD had to either spray foam on the outside and watch the plane burn up or burn out or figure out how to spray some foam inside while risking their lives being lost to exploding planes. 

Firemen were our favorite folks at the airport because we often had taxiway spills while emptying the planes' latrines, and this was before there were gates directly attached to the planes for boarding. We had to call the FD to spray the mess away fro the boarding stairs, and they would arrive in their full suits with their largest trucks to do such a piddly job. They were always nice about it, and it made a great show for the folks sitting in the airport cafe eating because there was not a lot else to watch in Fairbanks except planes landing and taking off.

It is great there so many things are possible with PM fire sets. Cheers, Pgal
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!