Author Topic: Jungle adventure book  (Read 1729 times)

Offline flatcat

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Jungle adventure book
« on: July 04, 2011, 11:18:38 »
Can anyone tell me any more about this book?

From the picture, it looks like a story book, but the seller has listed it as non-fiction ???

I woul love to get it, but I can't spend that sort of money on a book that I wouldn't be able to read! 8}

Damo :)

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Re: Jungle adventure book
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2011, 13:51:27 »

If I recall correctly, it's more of a picture book than a story book. :) It's probably similar in style to Unglik's other Playmobil books.

Here's a (rough) google translation of the German description:
The author, like Playmobil is a child of the 70s for his books for a living diorama with Playmobil figures and then converts them into computer-animated scene. In his new book, he deals in this way with the world of animals, starting with the dinosaurs about horses and cats, to mythical creatures like the unicorn. In a playful way, he introduces us to the different animal species occur in their respective habitats.

It's cheaper on Amazon UK, btw, and with free shipping! :D

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Re: Jungle adventure book
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2011, 14:29:53 »
I think that seller doesn't know what non-fiction means. ;) I really would like to start getting my hands on some playmobil books, though I'm more interested in the English versions.
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