Author Topic: Flowers for 5300  (Read 4828 times)

Offline Alison01326

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Re: Flowers for 5300
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2011, 21:37:14 »
I think that the dark purple ones are called violet; they have never had them in stock when I order flowers, so will have to wait and see if they are the ones when I do hit the jackpot.
I have been buying used flowers/plants off eBay for 6 months, and b-w has the best selection. The prices are quite high on eBay normally, and most other sellers do not identify which set they came from.

So yes, if anyone can get some of these for me from outside the US, that would be wonderful! I have maybe a dozen, and use just one for contrast with light purple and white flowers. The link does show what sets they were in. I will gladly reimburse you with shipping to the US as they fit in a regular envelope and are so lightweight.

If you have flowers (in any color except red or yellow) you don't need, just email me with the details. I decorate everything with flowers, and wow! does it make them look happy!

Cheers, Pgal :love:
I'll PM you next time I do a spares order (just started putting one together so by the time I've remembered what I need by emptying loads of boxes of things I have forgotten I bought on EBay it'll be at least a month before I finish it  :-[)

Offline skypurr

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Re: Flowers for 5300
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2011, 22:45:06 »
Actually, in the end I didn't order mine from ds because a kind fellow Playmofriend traded some flowers that he didn't want.
I had multicoloured window boxes instead.  :)

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Re: Flowers for 5300
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2011, 10:37:29 »
I'll PM you next time I do a spares order (just started putting one together so by the time I've remembered what I need by emptying loads of boxes of things I have forgotten I bought on EBay it'll be at least a month before I finish it  :-[)

Wow, that is an offer I can't turn down! Many thanks!!! Not sure why PM puts so many yellow and red flowers in sets when the other colors are so gorgeous! My real garden has a lot of blue and purple flowers, and they stand out well with the white blooms of lillies, hibiscus, coneflowers, petunias, gardenias, phlox, daisies, etc.

It is great that we all collect many different things or we would be killing each other over the same 3 items! :lol: :lol: Pgal :wave:
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