She needs to 'fess up to her little one about all of the other items she's still hiding in her loft! 
She'll have to change her forum name if she does

I can understand your love/hate logic when it comes to winning at auctions. Enjoy your new haul with your little one 
Oh, I will. The great thing is that he really appreciates what he gets, even if he does get more, and more often, than other children. He already realises that we are collectors and that the Playmobil we have is for us to share as a family and for him to play with with his children and grandchildren (heaven forbid, but I suppose it will happen one day

) He reacts differently to it than to his other toys.
He already knows about the first EBay win of the night because he walked in on me and saw what I was doing. He also knows that he won't be seeing it when it arrives.
He knows that there's Playmobil in the loft, just not what there is or how much there is!!!! Not sure that I do now.
I introduce odd bits and pieces to the collection when he is least expecting it, particularly after a period of good or thoughtful or helpful behaviour. It's not bribery, as I don't make him work towards it with the "if you are good you will get something from the loft". I just won't introduce anything new for a long time if he's playing up for a long time.
He was away this weekend with his best pal and his parents in their caravan. He's been to their house round the corner for one night, but this time he was away for two nights which was very odd for me (my husband was working so didn't really notice!) and reassured me on the phone that I would see him when he got home and to stop worrying!! Whilst he was away I set out a display of all his camping Playmobil and introduced the bread van, swings, the caravan and a Smart car to the display. He was so excited about the new additions that he took the caravan to bed with him but was up at the crack of dawn and back downstairs organising his little Playmo family.