I meant at the event…. I know none of you know what I look like, and I know I don’t know what any of you look like…
I'll be the guy with ketchup stains on my shirt if I happen to wear white that day (because without fail, everytime I wear white, I somehow manage to get ketchup on it). lol.
Otherwise, I'll be the short Filipino guy on the right....
speaking of which, does anyone here have a Facebook or Myspace? I happen to also be "friends" with Playmo Pirates group on Facebook, though it seems they hardly post these days. you can friend request me on myspace as well
http://www.myspace.com/blindarcher . You can see pics of me there too. PM me for link to my facebook (which is private and unsearchable) if you rather do facebook instead. Or I guess I could post a pic (here?) Is there a "show us a pic of you thread on here somewhere?"