On the subject of redcaots I am surprised i have never seen them combined with the victorian theme ... Surely they would look nice though hisotrically there is a considerable time difference ? Mind yuo if i assume the victorian is in the early 1900s era , didnt the british still have redcoats ?? Need some historical feedabck people on this one !!!!
Itching to buy 300 of these redcoats more and more , the klicky fever is growing by the day. God help my wallet me
Need to to some Googling for yourself Georginetto!
The Victorian Era started in 1837 and ended in 1901. During her reign many foreign wars were fought but on home soil it was a time of peace and prosperity (if you were in the right stratum of society). The Redcoat was still the standard uniform for most of this period, being replaced by khaki only by the Second Boer War, after experiences during the wars in Egypt and Sudan in the early 1880s showed that camoflage was useful.
When the Redcoat was worn the trousers (pants) were often black or blue, with a red or gold stripe down the side, so the uniform was closer to the 4577 Royal Guard than the Redcoat we are discussing with white trousers and black boots.
It's a huge subject, I recommend you do some research both on the internet and in your local library!