Author Topic: 2 questions re id's & part number Victorian?  (Read 3603 times)

Offline lensman

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2 questions re id's & part number Victorian?
« on: September 01, 2010, 17:14:51 »
First can anyone tell me what these are?
before you ask yes I have trawled the DB using searches Victorian , Dress Brown , Dress Pink , and the only 2 that seem to use the same bodies are Grandmothers but the heads don't match nor is the "scarf" removable.
Second is the rather unusual beard on the Victorian Master available as a part only?

Offline Sylvia

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Re: 2 questions re id's & part number Victorian?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 17:23:30 »

The woman in brown dress is the cook from the Victorian Kitchen set #5322:

Coincidentally, it also happens to be the figure which Heather (mistress of playmoDB) uses as her avatar. ;D

The other lady is from an older Knights set #3659:

I recognised them immediately because I have both sets. ;)

Offline playmo1989

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Re: 2 questions re id's & part number Victorian?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 18:18:58 »
yes this was an easy one great both klicky's from both sets ,i wanted to ask as i saw the kitchen in playmodb i don't know very well how to use it but it doesn't show all versions of each set ??  ??? ???
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Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: 2 questions re id's & part number Victorian?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 20:16:44 »
yes this was an easy one great both klicky's from both sets ,i wanted to ask as i saw the kitchen in playmodb i don't know very well how to use it but it doesn't show all versions of each set ??  ??? ???

If you mean same set but with different box characteristics, no it does not.
It shows mostly US and Canada sets that are the same as the European but have different set numbers!

Offline sbblabotw

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Re: 2 questions re id's & part number Victorian?
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2010, 12:50:14 »
Okay, now even I'm confused. Probably a language gap.

If two sets are fundamentally the same but have different set numbers, there is (usually) a note after the title saying "(also see .... for equivalent in other countries)" - see 3024 - Golden Knight and 3372 - Golden Knight.  (I put these in by hand, so some may be missing - if you spot one that ought to be there, let me know!)

The same set with different boxes has only one page: 5339 - Wedding Reception is an example where I show both box-backs.  If only the instructions are revised, I will usually put both instructions into one part-list, with the implication that only one sheet appears per box!

Very occasionally I will give a set two pages, one for first-generation and one for later-generation: see 3001 - Excavator and 3001a - Excavator (Revised).  These have different instructions with many different part numbers, even though they have the same set number, so they needed to be separate.

Finally, lensman, the best way to look for klickies is with Who's that Klicky? - pick age and gender, and one very obvious characteristic (long skirts would be a good one for these ones you were looking for).  You'll get a long list: specify one more characteristic at a time to narrow down the list until you can see your target.  Warning: not all klickies are completely described, and colours with "light" and "dark" might be somewhat arbitrary.  Worth a try though. has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

Offline playmo1989

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Re: 2 questions re id's & part number Victorian?
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 17:25:30 »
If you mean same set but with different box characteristics, no it does not.
It shows mostly US and Canada sets that are the same as the European but have different set numbers!
Okay, now even I'm confused. Probably a language gap.

If two sets are fundamentally the same but have different set numbers, there is (usually) a note after the title saying "(also see .... for equivalent in other countries)" - see 3024 - Golden Knight and 3372 - Golden Knight.  (I put these in by hand, so some may be missing - if you spot one that ought to be there, let me know!)

The same set with different boxes has only one page: 5339 - Wedding Reception is an example where I show both box-backs.  If only the instructions are revised, I will usually put both instructions into one part-list, with the implication that only one sheet appears per box!

Very occasionally I will give a set two pages, one for first-generation and one for later-generation: see 3001 - Excavator and 3001a - Excavator (Revised).  These have different instructions with many different part numbers, even though they have the same set number, so they needed to be separate.

Finally, lensman, the best way to look for klickies is with Who's that Klicky? - pick age and gender, and one very obvious characteristic (long skirts would be a good one for these ones you were looking for).  You'll get a long list: specify one more characteristic at a time to narrow down the list until you can see your target.  Warning: not all klickies are completely described, and colours with "light" and "dark" might be somewhat arbitrary.  Worth a try though.

thanks  ;)
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